Corporate Prayer

In the Bible, it is written, "For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."
Matthew 18:20
I encourage you to add any prayer items to this list so that we can encourage, support and uplift one another through corporate prayer.
1. Two friends and their struggling work situations.
2. My health as the weather in Taiwan has suddenly become quite cold.
3. Teaching more challenging students both behaviourally & academically.
Global Issues:
1. The historic Iraqi vote & that people would be safe to express their democratic voice.
2. Our brothers from the Christian Peacemakers Team who were kidnapped in Iraq. May they be freed and return home safely.
3. The World Trade Organization (WTO) began meeting in Hong Kong today. Pray especially for equitable trade with places such as Africa.
4. Pakistan rebuilding after the massive earthquake.
5. Avian flu spread most predominately in Southeast Asia.
January, 2, 2006
1. This Friday, I will be observed by educational officials in Taiwan. Please pray that my lessons may run smoothly & that my natural self may not be dictated by nervousness.
2. My brother is seeing whether or not he would like to pursue employment in the insurance/investment field.
3. One of my grade six classes is very challenging to teach. Pray that God would fill me with patience and the tools to teach them well.
4. Recent gun violence in Toronto.
5. Upcoming federal election in Canada.
Global Issues
1. AIDS in Africa
2. Migrant workers especially in southeast Asia. That they are not treated like a "new underclass".
3. Growing famine in East Africa
Jan. 26/06
1. I'm currently on a 3 week holiday. Pray for a good time to celebrate Chinese New Year.
2. Safe travels in my wanderings around Taiwan.
3. I'm taking an ESL online course. Pray for diligence, wisdom and dedication to my studies.
4. Week of Feb. 6 to Feb. 10, I will be attending a series of workshops & doing a presentation in Taipei County.
5. My sister is waiting to hear back from a language school in Taiwan. Pray for God's direction.
6. Continued prayers for my two friends and their work situations (e.g., overwhelming workload & improper work procedures). Things seem to be in a up & down phase right now where it's good at times & not good at other times.
Mar. 12/06
1. Christian Peacemakers Team kidnapped in Iraq
Canadians Harmeet Sooden and James Loney, and Briton Norman Kember.
Jul. 9/06
1. I will be returning home in early August. Pray for a smooth conclusion to my stay in Taiwan.
2. My brother and his options for a future career or studies.
3. My sister's safety as she's in Beijing preparing to travel to Australia.
Global Issues:
1. The ongoing civil distress in Iraq
2. That longstanding peace may be achieved in wartorn Palestine & Israel.
3. Missile crisis that has been caused by North Korea. Pray for diplomatic realtions to succeed.
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