LIVE STRONG - My Spiritual Journal...

During my stay here in Taiwan, I'll be writing a series of entries reflecting & contemplating on my spiritual journey with God through the Lord Jesus Christ.
Destination: Douliu City, Yunlin County, Taiwan.
Occupation: Elementary School Teacher
Why Taiwan?
It's been a 5 year waiting period where I've prayed & dreamed. In fact, I've dreamed big! I know that we worship a God that honours our dreams provided that they align with His Will & His plan for our lives.
Back in 1996, when I got my first taste of missions in Asia (Taiwan, Hong Kong & China), I realized that I would like to one day pursue a teaching assignment abroad. A teacher from Saskatchewan, Lois Unrau, had inspired me to such aspirations & dreams. I met her in Shenyang, China where she was teaching university students with the China Educational Exchange. The reason why I was adamant about Taiwan is because my Mom is from there & I feel like it's my heritage and home. Besides, I love the brand of Mandarin used there more! Having family & friends there also helped to fuel my desire to teach there. In the period of 5 years, I searched for God's Will & whether it included expanding my teaching experience to include Taiwan. After teaching 5 years with the Toronto District School Board, I sensed an opportunity was at my doorstep. As a result, I aggressively searched for job positions teaching English. It was late December & I was already on the ball, determined & focused, spending an increasing amount of time in preparing necessary documents and filling out application forms. The process was long & arduous...
I was very close to being offered a position in Chiayi County, where I would be working at Morrison Academy Christian Satellite School. In discussing salary, contractual conditions, teaching assignment, etc...I was so close to signing a contract..but God closed that door & the school administration decided to choose someone else. I was so upset about this! I didn't know why they chose the other candidate over me. Little did I know that greater plans lay ahead...
It was now approaching April...and still no responses & no news about any job offers...No news meant that I would not yet be applying for my "leave of absence" with the Toronto Board. I needed to secure a job in Taiwan before submitting my application for a leave. With the marking of the end of April 2005, the deadline had come & gone and before I knew it...June had rolled around! School was awfully close to coming to an end! By this time during the past 5 years, I had a travel destination already booked and ready to go! I hadn't heard from a couple of schools I had applied for in Taiwan and I didn't hear back from schools that I applied to in Hong Kong. What was going on? Though time passed, God constantly reminded me that I had to be patient and wait....and wait...and wait...I needed to wait for His leading! In early June, as I checked my e-mail mailbox, I was completely caught off guard as I noticed an e-mail from the Canadian Education Network! This blew me away because I knew that it was about a potential teaching oppoturnity. This was especially surprising to me since I had already put off any hopes of teaching abroad when September rolled around. CECN was the organization that I had applied for a teaching position in Taiwan. WOW! Simply unbelievable!
My Principal had encouraged me to inquire with the Board as to whether or not I could STILL pursue a leave of absence despite the passing of the deadline back in April. Since this particular year (2005) had a surplus of teachers, the Board was willing to overlook the past deadline & still consider me for a leave. It was now late June & I was given permission to leave the Board for one year. That's impressive! WOW! I was actually going to be going to a foreign country to teach! My dream was suddenly becoming more like a reality!
During these past 5 years, God had allowed me to work at at an inner city school to help transform me as a teacher who could honour Him in the workplace. With all the ups & downs, highs & lows, joys & disappointments, He has strengthened me as an individual and educator. As he continued to shape my heart, I also took the opportunity to build my teaching craft, taking courses & refining my knowledge & skills. Five years of teaching had passed with the snap of a finger...Now was the time for me to go and gain an international teaching experience! I was both exhilerated & anxious! I've never lived abroad for an extensive period of time except when I was backpacking but that would only be for a month or so at a time...
I'm in Douliu City now....and I'm blessed to be here indeed! I'm privileged to be a teacher and to have so many students under my care & responsibility. It's an honour to teach and in so doing, I feel humbled by this often complex but noble profession. One of my prayers is to ask God to continue to light the fire of passion that I have for teaching. Furthermore, that He would equip me to be the "best" teacher that I can be according to the talents & gifts that He's granted me! I look forward to seeing God work in my life, to train, discipline, and draw me closer in faith & more into the likeness of Jesus...

"Knowing God" By J.I. Packer
Our Response to God's goodness...p.187
1. Appreciate the GOODNESS of God
How many times I take things for granted!
Calvary was the measure of God's goodness towards each of us...How do we measure our own goodness? How can we reflect God's goodness in our own lives?
*Lesson-in-working progress: Counting my blessings
Instead of sitting there bickering or complaining, count the numerous ways God has blessed us each & every single day!
You only need to focus on God's goodness & reflect on His character....and an outpouring of blessings will only be on the tip of your tongue!
2. Appreciate the PATIENCE of God
We need only to look at God as the "center" and "core" of our very lives! Jesus as Savior is our model and we are to imitate His character & life.
How often has God been patient in walking side by side down the whirlwinds and obstacles of my life? The honest answer is I'm touched & humbled that He still sticks around & bears with me! Even when I don't deserve His love & His loyalty far outweighs my often feeble mind. Each time I'm reminded of the patience that is embodied in God's character...always sticking by me, my heart is convicted & I, in turn need to reflect this similar patience to those whom I interact with. This is hard! How many times have I lost my patience with family members and friends? I've lost count...That is why I need to continue to offer up a prayer to God & ask Him to give me the strength to accomplish this. For with God, I know that ALL things are possible! Amen!
*Lesson-in-working progress: Be patient with others....especially when it's difficult because God is patient with us...end of story.
3. Appreciate the DISCIPLINE of God
We need to learn to have the discipline to have self-abasement & faith to seek His face! Continue in His kindness & keep God in sight so that we can be renewed with the spiritual milk we need to grow & be nurtured.
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