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HIGHLY recommended! "Lao Fu Tze" comic books are classic! The other day, I got my good friend, Emily to pick up some of these comic books for me. When I was young, I used to go with my dad to the bookstore in Chinatown & indulge in book after book! I'm so happy to locate some as they bring back nostalgic childhood memories. You don't need to read Chinese characters to get a hoot from the comic strips. Pick up a copy & they're bound to give you a hoot!

GUNDAM, aka a childhood favourite of mine & when I saw this toy, I just felt that I needed to get it! Although I had to cough up 600 NT for it, I really love it!

KERORO is a new interest of mine and include a group of interesting different coloured frogs. I believe they hail from Japan. Each character frog has its own unique features. Whenever I look at the red one, I am reminded of my little, that red one looks bent! I mean, M-A-D!! Ha!
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